6 Great Habits I'm Taking Into 2020

25 Nov 2019

As much as we may not want to admit that the year is almost over and 2020 is creeping up ever so quickly, now is a great time to reflect on the past year as well as starting to get some plans moving for the next year and taking some time to realise what was good about 2019 and what wasn't so great. What do want to leave in 2019 and what do you want to take into 2020? This year I've adopted some super helpful and happy habits, but here I thought I'd run down a few habits, hobbies other realisations that I will be sure to be taking into next year and beyond. 

1. Journalling

Admittedly, a very new addition, I think this is something that has really made a positive change. It's no "Dear Diary..." type of journaling but it's taking some time daily or at least weekly to reflect on the past day (or days); what I've done, what I've completed, what hasn't been so good. It was this year I started tracking my mood (another thing I'll be definitely carrying on in 2020) and journalling kind of builds on this. 

It's helped me realise when I'm not in the best mood, why that is. Also, when a situation was stressful, overwhelming or upsetting, it forces me to find the positive a little more. 

2. Shopping less and more sustainably

I recently shared that I have been very much streamlining my life - to keep spends low and minimising unnecessary spending. I've really focussed on buying just what I need and not overindulging. I feel so much happier with a smaller wardrobe, simple makeup and skincare routines. Also, making small sustainable switches, when and where I can, have been great and also kind of fun. With more brands making it even more accessible to shop this way, I hope more brands and shops will be making changes in 2020 so I can continue to shop less but, when I do, shopping more sustainably and ethically. 

3. Knitting

Without telling you where I work, my recent job has had a lot to do with knitting and being surrounded by so many amazing makers. It's really inspired me to pick up the needles myself. My mum once showed me how to knit but it didn't go much further than half a scarf. Now, I've finished my first scarf and I can't wait to get started on my next project. It's such a therapeutic hobby that it's great to knit a few rows first thing in the morning at work, in my lunch break or in the evening with a hot chocolate (obviously!). Plus, the results are gorgeous. I can't wait to carry this new hobby on into 2020!

4. Keeping Organised

A more boring habit but an important one. From during my time at university - getting through exams and dissertations in the final year - to know in my day to day job, I'm always happiest when my day has some structure and I take some time to organise my tasks and thoughts. The organisation is a habit I have to credit for a lot of the positive achievements I've reached this year so I'm of course going to keep this up for next year. 

5. Putting myself first and saying "No"...

I'd like to think this past year I've become pretty confident in knowing my limits; knowing when I'm too busy to take anything extra on, knowing when I just want to spend some time alone and not meet up with friends. It might seem sad and slightly rude but otherwise, I'd hate myself later for not taking the time I need to reset and just relax for a bit. This is definitely something I hope to continue into next year. 

6. ... but also saying "Yes!"

There are a few things this year that, from saying yes, has led to some amazing opportunities - so many "If I hadn't said yes to x, y wouldn't have happened. I said yes to moving to London, yes to my internship, yes to event opportunities, extra work and working with amazing new people and brands. The Y word still kind of daunts me - sometimes more than no - but, hopefully, 2020 will see me saying yes to even more amazing experiences. 

Were there any habits or hobbies you hope to carry on into next year? Are there any new habits you're hoping to try?

I hope you're doing great, 
Sarah x

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