I think I'm getting worse and worse at making sure I have time to read. I thought 2016 was a bad reading year but, some how 2017 managed to top that. I'm not going to promise I'll be better but I'm going to at least try. Starting as I mean to go on, here are four of my most recently read books and a little review of each of them.

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Post apocalyptic is a genre I don't often venture into but after the recommendation from my sister and later urged by a friend to give it ago, I finally gave it a read. I was unsure to start but I grew to love the different twist this book gave compared to usual zombie-killing apocalyptic novels and films. It focussed more on the life that people lead after and how they survive. I appreciated the links between different people's lives and how everything kind came together. This is one I'd definitely recommend and one that, if it was something I did often, I would read again. 



This has to be my favourite of the Harry Potters so far. While it was the most daunting of the series due to it being the longest book I've ever read. Surprisingly, it didn't feel like it was that long and maybe that's why it has to be my favourite of the books so far. There were so many plot points that I really enjoyed and I felt like the story really developed with more darker tones starting to be added now in the build up to the final books. While it is my favourite so far, I sadly can't give it five stars as *BIG SPOILER* Sirius' death was no where near given the space it deserved. It wasn't as impactful as I wanted and for someone who Harry had started to become more and more close to, I felt it didn't do their relationship justice. 



It's been a while since I've read a John Green but I wasn't going to miss snatching this up and giving it a read. His books played a massive role in the reason I got into reading but also blogging; one of my first ever posts was about Looking For Alaska. Time has pass since then and I've fallen in and out of love with reading. This book is one that for any John Green fans, they will love. My feelings were mixed on this book. While I enjoyed the mystery aspect of this and the reuniting of friends, for me, it just didn't have the same impact that his other books have had. I remember reading the first few pages and actually rolling my eyes. I was reading thinking it was a little pretentious and overly wordy in a way it just didn't need to be. However, I really enjoyed the plot of the story as it covered topics of love, grief, friendship and mental health; all topics that make for a great YA book. I think the way he handled the topic of mental health was actually done really well and shed some light on some realities of this illness. I can't really justify only giving it 3 stars other than maybe I'm starting to out grow his style? I will always and forever read John Green books but sadly the novelty that I used to think they held seems to be disappearing. While I say that, it wasn't a bad book and had so many good points like the mystery (I love a YA mystery!) and of course it's got the famous John Green metaphors that everyone loves. It wasn't his strongest book but I'm glad he's back and publishing. 



This was a Christmas present and one I'm so happy I got. This book gives the stories of 100 amazing women throughout history. There's people you know and probably some you don't but they all have stories that need to be heard and recognised as amazing achievements. I also want to mention the fabulous illustrations that come along with each of the stories; all by different artists, it makes the book a celebration of being a woman. It's such an uplifting, inspiring book that I think it's one everyone should give a read. It's one you can read in one sitting (like me) or something you can come in and out of. While I might not be the main demographic of this book, it still really appealed to me. I also think how it's written and presented is something that will definitely appeal to younger children and can probably act as a really inspiring book for young girls. 

So here's there's my long overdue Recently Read. If you have any recommendations, feel free to throw them my way!
Hope you're doing great,
Sarah x