3 Jul 2016

Two years are up. Two years of stress and hard work are over. It's not been the easiest but somehow I think it's been worth it. A lot of people have said how much they're not going to miss college and while I can't promise I will too, I am grateful for what you have given me.

You've given me knowledge. Knowledge on topics I never thought I'd understand. I've learnt so much not just subject based but about myself that I honestly don't know if I would have found out without college. I have always thought I was open minded but now more than ever, I have been open to new experiences that I would never in my wildest dreams have had the chance to do. China for example; that trip was insane and one I'd have a hard time forgetting. I've become more accepting of other people's beliefs; I know that it's ok for friends to have different opinions and healthy debates are what makes a friendship stronger. 

Without you college, the friendships I have today won't have been made. I've grown closer to people I never thought I would have from high school with some new additions that I'm so happy to now call my best friends. I've never really said that about anyone because I never really believed the title- I always thought it was something childish but now I know what it's like to have someone who has your back and to be there for you when you need them. Without these two years at college, I would never have had that. 

I had a tough time in high school especially at the end and I thought I'd struggle to adjust to the college lifestyle and I did. But, once I did I was happier than I'd ever been.

Don't get me wrong you were at a ball ache at points. A-level exams are not fun at all and you seriously hurt me physically and mentally. This two-month weight to see how much damage you caused me when I get my results are hurting even more. I just hope the pain was worth it. 

I think I say I dealt with college better with high school not because it was easier but because of me. Because of how I've grown into the person I am with more confidence and a backbone that doesn't shy away in the corners but is now told to shut up for being too loud. 

You have given me the opportunity to grow and been my two-year therapy acting as the bridge from the horrors of high school to the big wide world of uni, jobs and adventure that I can't wait to enter. 

It's not been easy but it's been great,
Thank you,

Sarah x

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