30+ Little Ways To Be Productive

11 Apr 2020 United Kingdom

I don't know about you but, while it's great being productive, it can be very exhausting. But, it doesn't have to be. Being productive doesn't have to mean writing a novel, learning a completely new language, master HTML in a weekend, sometimes the small moments of productivity like making your bed, reading a chapter of a book can be just as rewarding and motivating. Doing a few small productive acts can really set you on a productivity streak! Today, I thought I'd compile a list of little ways to feel a bit more productive, just a bit at a time. 

Cleaning & Organising

  • Declutter your wardrobe. Goodbye holey tees and socks from when I was 12. 
  • Tidy up your bookshelves. Hello, rainbow-ordered shelves! 
  • Organise your stationery. Finally, time to get rid of that pen that's not worked for years. 
  • Change your bedsheets. You can't argue with me here. Having new sheets is the best feeling. 
  • Clear out your email inbox. Unsubscribe to all those annoying newsletters. 
  • Pay your bills. Booooring but we kinda have to, right?
  • Write out your plans for next week. 


  • Write a new TBR. Any books you missed out? Any new releases to add?
  • Learn a new word in a new language. A bit at a time - Rome wasn't built in a day!  
  • Sign-up to an online workshop.
  • Take a virtual tour. Visit the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam then head to the History Museum in London. 
  • Watch a documentary. Any day is better with Louis Theroux in it. 


  • Think of some new ideas
  • Update your media kit. Add new stats, info and sponsors. 
  • Re-share your latest blogpost or why not promote an oldy but a goody! 
  • Bulk some blog photos. 
  • Get inspired and read other blogs. You might even discover a new fave. 
  • Make some new pins for Pinterest. 
  • Write you're next post!


  • Listen to an album you've been meaning to listen to for ages. 
  • Create a new productive playlist
  • Bake something new. Banana bread, cheesecake, focaccia!
  • Get crafty! Scrapbooking, drawing, sewing, knitting. 
  • Read a chapter or two of your book. 

Health & Wellbeing

  • Do a workout from home...
  • ... or maybe yoga? 
  • Listen to a mindful podcast
  • Complete your skincare routine
  • Just, breathe. 
  • Plan your meals for the week or even prep some weekly meals
  • Have a bath/shower
  • Take time for self-care. It's as productive as anything else, you know. 

We can get very caught up in feeling we have to accomplish a lot in a short space of time but doing just one or two small acts of productivity can really help. Just looking after yourself, doing something you enjoy for a little while or taking some time to get orgaised is enough! 

Hope you're doing great, 
Sarah x 

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