28 Jul 2019

Here we have some life ramblings of things happening at the moment... 

If you had spoken to me a month ago and asked me the dreaded question of "So, Sarah, what are you doing after university?" I would have to make something up about looking for a job and nervously laugh as the real answer is actually "I have no clue".  I had ideas of plan A, B and C in my head but I had no idea whether these were real plans that were realistic or would work for me. I actually have ended up with an outcome that I never had planned and so I thought I'd share with you how things have changed in the past few months and how they are going to carry on changing in the future. 

Graduating for University
If you didn't know, I've spent the past three years studying Psychology BSc at the University of York. As of last Thursday, I am officially a graduate and I have said goodbye to the university that I adored. On the whole, I really loved spending the last few years here as well as living in such a lovely city. More sadly, it's time to say goodbye to that beloved student discount; I really don't know what I'll do without it! 

After quite a stressful and tough final year, I shocked myself by managing to come out with a first in my degree. I'm so happy that all my hard work paid off! I loved my degree as it was so fascinating and I was always learning something new. While I'm giving my psychological brain a rest, for now, my love for the subject will always be there and I may revisit the subject in the future. 

I am thinking of doing a more in-depth post about my time in university and what third-year specifically taught me as well as some honest thoughts about my university so keep an eye out for that one. 

Getting a Job 
I'll keep this brief but yes, I manage to find a job! An internship to be specific but one I think will open a lot of doors and will be a really fun and interesting position in a really creative company. 

I think I may do a separate post on this later down the line once I'm settled into the role but, honestly, if it wasn't for my blog, I don't think I would have been able to get this internship and the position I did. I'm so excited to start this internship next week! 

Moving to London
I remember saying a few weeks ago "I could never move to London" and two weeks later I was planning on moving down there. As I started looking for jobs, it seems very evident that, while I'd love to stay in York, London was where the experience was and the jobs I wanted. 

While most people do move back home with their parents, after managing to save enough money from my part-time job to put a deposit on a flat, I couldn't see myself adjusting back to living with the family. I thought it seemed perfect to challenge myself a little by moving out completely after uni and moving to London. Along with getting this internship in London, it seemed only right. 

I'll be moving down this Thursday and I can quite frankly admit that I am scared with just the weekend to adjust enough to start my job the following Monday. I don't think I'll be more ready than I am now so fingers crossed it all works out. 

A lot of big changes are happening at once and, for once, I seem to be embracing it (with still a pinch of apprehension). As university ends, my new chapter in London is soon to start and while I'm incredibly nervous to be living in a completely new and unknown environment, I'm also excited to see how it all goes. 

Hope you're doing great, 
Sarah x

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