31 Jul 2015

I seem to be a constant reading slump recently and so reading isn't something I've done a lot of recently which isn't good but I have managed to finish another 3 books and so I thought I'd share these with you while I wait for my reading slump to come to an end!

Me and Earl and The Dying Girl // Jess Andrews // ★★✰✰✰

This book was extremely hyped from American readers after and after seeing a lot of videos on YouTube saying how funny and amazing this was I ordered it and eve got the hardback because I was sure it would be a favourite and, oh, was I wrong and, for me it didn't live up to all the positive reviews. Greg Gaines' mum asks him to befriend a girl who has cancer. Greg isn't a friends kind of person and the only one close to a friend is Earl who, together, the make mediocre films. Everyone spoke about how funny they found Greg and, the many described him, I thought he'd be the type of protagonist I would love and find hilarious but instead I found a boring voice for the book which is unlike me to find especially for a character with such a dry and, sometimes, controversial sense of humour. I also didn't really feel invested in the storyline as well as the characters- I think it was a bit all over the place and didn't seem to have any sort of message to the book. Jess Andrews actually wrote at the front that he isn't a writer and the book carries no meanings and, while I guess I can't say I'm annoyed that it didn't have an underlying message, I feel a book is really pointless is pointless if it doesn't work on many levels.  This book did contain something I loved when reading Finding Audrey and that was how film scripts were incorporated into the story but overall the story line did irritate. I did give this a 3/5 stars on good reads but after writing this I think I was being generous. Sadly, this really wasn't all that I expected it to be. 

How To be Bad* // Lockhart, Myracle & Mlynowski // ★★✰✰✰

Moving on to How To Be Bad next, things didn't seem to improve. I was in a semi reading slump at this point and felt this book would be able to pick up my reading spirits again being a fan of E.Lockhart's other work and so went into this with, again, high hopes. This book is centred around 3 girls; Vicks, Mel and Jesse. It is written in the perspectives of all three of the girls with each written by a different author. I'm usually really big on the different perspectives and that didn't change with this as I didn't mind having each girls input however I didn't think it added to my reading experience and didn't improve the fact that I really couldn't get into this book. It was a story of a road trip where they wanted to escape and find their true bad ass side but this really didn't work for me. They all wanted to be rebellious and, to me, they weren't. When people are bad ass, I like to sit their in shock at what they're doing or even cringe but I didn't at any point during their road trip and was a bit like "Is this it?". I also wasn't invested in the characters and found them all a little annoying especially Vicks and I felt her situation with her boyfriend was a little unrealistic. I felt  the storyline included some unnecessary parts and sometimes missed the chance to elaborate on the important parts. On thing I did, however, like about the book was that it, while included a little romance, was mainly centred around friendship and how friends have their troubles and differences but they work through them. This really wasn't a book for me and not one I will recommend in a hurry especially as someone's first E.Lockhart book but if you're into road trip books maybe look into the story a bit more!

Where Things Come Back // John Corey Whaley  // ★★★★★

After a disappointing start I thought it was about time I re read the book that I always refer to as my favourite. While being my favourite, it's been a while since I've re read it as I didn't want my opinion to dramatically change the next time I read it and it not have the same impact on me. I'm not go into too much detail as I'm planning a whole post based around this book but I will say re reading this again did not make my opinion differ and I actually felt more engaged with the story as a whole. There are two stories included in this book that intertwine together due to unexpected circumstances with one being about Cullen Witter who's a senior in high school and hates living in the town of Lily. In the summer a supposed distinct woodpecker reappears while his brother disappears. The other story starts with a missionary in Africa who doesn't feel he's doing God's work as he's supposed to. I usually focus on Cullen's narrative rather than the accompanying story but this time I found myself emerged in the religion behind the missionary's story and I found I really go more out of this book the second time round and I feel this really helped me rise out of my reading slump! This is quite a vague review but a full one is to come very soon!

Just three books this time. Have you read or plan to read any mentioned? I'd love to know your opinions!
Sarah x

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