Surviving Your Last Year at High School

2 Mar 2015

It was last year I was in year 11 and preparing to take my GCSEs. We were told they'd be stressful but not as stressful as I'd expected. Through out the course of the year, I had above my fair share of breakdowns and if I could go back now with the information I now know I would but, while with the technology of today isn't at that point yet, I thought I might try and help those of you that are survive your last year of high school with these few tips I have. 

Plan your revision. This is one thing I managed to do right. I wrote down all the subjects I had my exams in and then counted the topics I have and split my time accordingly making sure I have regular breaks and doing revision to the best of my ability. I've wrote a few posts in the past filled with revision tips that are two of my most popular posts which you can read here and here and I'm already planning some new tips to share with you so let me know if that's something you would like to read in the next few weeks. Planning and doing in depth revision does pay off. 

GCSEs aren't the end of the world. While this does slightly contradict my last post, you just need to get the balance right. Plan and revise through out the year but don't spend a full year having a non-existing social life. Make time for the things you enjoy and if you don't do as well as you hope it really isn't the end of the world as there are always other options to reach you career goals and, if you want to go to college, they may be lenient with your results. While they may seem like the hardest thing in the world at the time A Levels are much harder so enjoy the ease while you can. 

Try and enjoy it. This may be the last time you see a lot of these people due to everyone's lives becoming a lot more hectic after year 11 so make sure you spend your time well and with your friends. This is something I didn't do and it did annoy me that I spent so much time occupied and over working that I didn't manage to enjoy myself enough and it was only when it came to prom that enjoyed myself the most and by the the year was already up. You don't want your last year of college to be filled with bad memories. 

Come to terms that high school is not forever. College or life after college ca come as a massive shock if you don't prepare. To put it bluntly, a lot of those people you class as friends will no longer be there the same time next year. You need to try your best to  remember that things do get harder and more tiring. When I think about it, while I hated it at times, some of my best an fondest memories are from my time at high school and I want to remember them. You can't stay at high school forever and accept that things are going to change fairly massively.

I hope these tips help any of you in your last year of high school. 
Have you got any tips yourself?
Hope you're doing great,

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