23 Jan 2016

18, birthday, advice, lessons
Another year's gone by and I'm nearly another year older. I shared last year 17 things I'd learnt in 17 years and so I thought I'd do the same this year. I'm not sure I'll carry on doing this because I've struggled thinking of 18; who knows how long it would take me to think of 30! So here are the 18 things I've learnt in 18 years.

  1. Change is something to embrace and not despise
  2. Not all goodbyes are a bad thing
  3. Time with friends is precious- soon you'll be too busy 
  4. There's only so much you can plan- some things you have to leave to chance
  5. Trust your own instincts- no one knows you better than yourself
  6. Your closest friends aren't necessarily the ones you see all the time
  7. Your real friends are the one's there for you when you really need them
  8. Hard work really does pay off
  9. Why not dream big?
  10. Saying yes is amazing...
  11. ...but it's also OK to say no
  12. Appreciate what you have
  13. Great memories can be made anywhere- whether your up a mountain or at a friends house
  14. No matter how much you care about someone, sometimes they just don't care back- it may take a while to realise it and it doesn't mean you're a bad person
  15. Everyone argues- even those you're closest to
  16. Taking the road less travelled is fickle- sometimes the results aren't what you want but other times it couldn't have turned out any better
  17. Age doesn't bring knowledge- it's something you choose to learn no matter how old you are
  18. I still have a lot to learn...
So this is just a quick post and the last one before I'm 18. I really love reflecting on what I've learnt and I will continue to learn more as I get older which I will continue to share with you.

Do you agree with anything I've learnt over 18 years?
Hope you're doing great,
Sarah x

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